Keep moving forward to remain an indispensable presence.
PresidentToyoki Nishi
Company information
Keep moving forward to remain an indispensable presence.
PresidentToyoki Nishi
In September 2020, we celebrated our 100th anniversary. Thanks for your support, we have overcome many difficulties like natural disasters and economic crisis, and successfully reached this milestone year.
Since our foundation, we have achieved significant number of innovations in collaboration with various customers, and played an important role in supporting the social infrastructure.
The founder and our predecessors started the company with nothing but their foresight.
However, with their wisdom and courage as capital, they have continued to expand the business until today.
We recognize our mission to carry on their will and move forward to 200 or 300 years.
In the past, today, and in the future.
Our mission is to continue to provide "logistics" needed by society.
We aim to be the ones that supports the company's business and carries on the will of those who made its history.
We will continue to move forward step by step, undaunted by the changes of the times, in order to remain a beloved company.
PresidentToyoki Nishi
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